What's after school? Extracurricular activities fair - Bydgoszcz

What’s after school? Extracurricular activities fair

from 21.09 to 21.09

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Many parents wonder how to develop children’s skills and provide them with interesting activities after school.

On Saturday, September 21st, we invite you to the autumn Fair of extracurricular activities, during which you will be able to learn about the offers of institutions offering activities that allow children to develop their interests. The event will last from 12:00 to 17:00. Admission is free.

The program will include attractions for children! Participants will be able to take part in mathematical games, perform chemical experiments and visit the little scientist’s corner. You will also be able to take part in demonstration lessons and check whether they meet the expectations of children. Those interested will be able to try their hand at memory games. Football or dance shows will provide many positive emotions. For the youngest, there are movement games, games and animations with a foreign language and a sensory path.

During Saturday’s fair of extracurricular activities, the Reiss Football Academy, Mądra Sowa – a place of development and skills, Boska Studio – a dance school, the Youth Cultural Centre MDK 5, Yamaha Music School, the Chemistry Academy and the Mam Marzenie Foundation will present their offer.

We have also prepared competitions in which you can win gifts, gadgets and passes for classes.

We invite you to participate!

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