Paint a cubist portrait during a workshop for seniors - Bydgoszcz

Paint a cubist portrait during a workshop for seniors


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The next meeting in “Kreatywny Senior” series in our Shopping Centre will be devoted to contemporary painting.

On Saturday, February 25th, from 12.00 to 17.00, in a special creative zone arranged in the passage of our Shopping Centre, you will be able to get to know cubism, a direction in art popular at the beginning of the 20th century.

During free creative workshops, you will be able to get inspired, for example, by the work of Pablo Picasso and paint portraits in the cubist style with your own hands. Is it possible to recognize the portrayed people in the pictures filled with geometric solids that will be created during the classes? Participants will find out.

The workshops will be held as part of “Kreatywny senior” series, which was created for seniors visiting our Shopping Centre. It is an opportunity to meet people of a similar age who are interested in art and like to make decorations by themselves. Participation in the creative workshops is free, and participants will find all the tools needed to make a cubist portrait on site. You can take your completed work home. Displayed on the wall, they will certainly attract the eyes of household members and guests.

The next opportunity to take part in the series will be on March 18th, when it will be possible to make spring decorative wreaths during the meeting.

We encourage you to participate!

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